Saturday, May 14, 2005

MR. CHINA: A Memoir By Tim Clissold

Old joke: Three men in prison. First prisoner asks second prisoner: "Why are you here?" The second replies: "I supported Deng Xiaoping. And you?" First prisoner replies: "I opposed Deng Xiaoping." They both look at third and say: "And you, what about you, comrade?" To which he replies, somewhat sheepishly: "I am Deng Xiaoping."

Deng Xiaoping (鄧小平), imprisoned as a 'capitalist roader' during the 1966-76 Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (無產階級文化大革命), later oversaw monumental economic changes in China. Travelling to the Zhuhai and Shenzhen Special Economic Zones in 1992, Deng declares: "to get rich is glorious." A banker, Tim Clissold quits his consultancy job with the then mega-large accountancy firm Arthur Andersen and heads off to China to get rich. IHT review of Clissold's book here.

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