An angel passes by
Today, Sunday, the island's congregation and friends of the local Catholic church -- Our Lady of Fatima -- made a procession down to the waterfront and back again.
It's an annual event.
The were many Filipinas, a good few in ballgowns. Plus local, petite "senior" angels, ancillary angels, an unhurried drummer, and taped hymns. And a couple of hundred congregants from hereabouts and elsewhere.
That's a sweet photo.
I love the contrast with the cheap red-white-and-blue fabric, from those big plastic bags favored by amahs and people carrying stuff over the border.
Blogger mister bijou said...
Hi, Joyce.
Yeah, that fabric is ubiquitous, ain't it just.
In this case, the local ParknShop uses it to cover stuff.
Everything on the shelves comes in by cargo boat, and the loaded pallets are often parked outside because there's not enough room in the too small store.
All, that is, except the frozen stuff, which does go inside.
So it goes!
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