Thursday, August 04, 2005

Hong Kong Parkview milkshake murder trial

Nancy Kissel gives her version of the violent night that ended with her husband Robert, a Merrill Lynch banker, dead in their bedroom.
Many an 'expat' marriage has been wrecked on the shores of this barren rock Hong Kong. Why that is so is perhaps a post for another time.
For now, this: to save such a marriage, some, like the Kissels, turn to marriage counseling. And some marriage partners turn to drugs. If they are not doing them already. The legal drugs: beer, wine, spirits... the street drugs: hash, coke, ice, smack... the prescription drugs. For the latter, you need to find a Dr Feelgood. In Mrs Kissel's case that was Dr 'Fung': Lorivan, Stilnox and Amitryptaline + Dr Annabelle Dytham: Rohypnol.

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