BBC website has all manner of interesting stuff on it. Currently, they have a section about Britain's coast, which also includes video clips of people talking about how they feel about their own bit of seashore. I haven't looked at them all, but there is a nice one by a man who sells fish sandwiches on Brighton beach, a saddish story about a Punch & Judy man, and one about the old, long-ago abandoned River Severn ferry. Much to my surprise, the last-mentioned had Dylan content, and now explains the cover of the next Dylan release, No Direction Home.
BBC Video Nation Coast webpage for River Severn, go here. BBC Video Nation Coast webpage, go here.
Kottke dumps Technorati for PubSub
Well know blogger Jason Kottke has said farewell and thank you for all the fish to Technorati in favour of PubSub.
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60 Minutes focus on parents hosting alcohol paries
CBS' "60 Minutes" will feature a segment about parents hosting parties with alcohol for teens.
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