Monday, December 05, 2005


K was in his mid-40s, didn't smoke, ran marathons. Until close to the end, he looked a fit kind of guy. That was before he turned a parched yellow colour. Thus he was until a week ago, which is when his kidneys and liver finally withered away and K died in Ward A2, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong.
I knew K for about ten years. Although we were never friends -- I have come to understand that people who drink alcohol like K drank are incapable of friendship -- that didn't stop me from becoming fond of him. And like the several women in his life, I, and numerous others, had tried over the years to help him get sober and stay sober. To no avail. A binge drinker who latterly became -- to avoid the shakes and hallucinations that followed a binge bender -- a maintenance drinker, K progressively and systematically drank himself to death. K, Rest In Peace.
Meanwhile, for those who would prefer to trudge the road of Happy Destiny: Alcoholics Anonymous, Hong Kong

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