Tomorrow (1 October 2009) is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) (中華人民共和國).
Post-1997, that means a public holiday hereabouts. As usual on public holidays and weekends, rain is forecast.
Visual fragments of a life on a little island in the South China Sea
Spanish rule for three hundred and fifty-odd years.According to Prevention Web, between 1980-2008, the Philippines (disaster statistics) had six times as many hurricanes but nearly 16 (yes, sixteen) times as many fatalities as the cigar smokers in Cuba (disaster statistics).
American rule by proxy during a good chunk of the 20th century.
Nominal independence for the Philippines after 1945.
Complete independence for Cuba since 1959.
Both countries are subject to extreme weather systems during the summer and early autumn: hurricanes and typhoons.
"A date which will live in infamy . . . Geocities, the evil multinational conglomerate that produces its shoddy and environmentally destructive Internet services in Dickensian sweatshops in its ruthless quest for profit, saw fit – as part of its imminent closure – to bar me, wild American friend Odell, the Big Boss and delectable Administrative Officer Winky Ip from our very own home from the middle of last week. They have let me back in briefly in order to retrieve a few essentials, but otherwise this is it. Cast out into the wilderness with maximum prejudice aforethought.Looking forward? A "blog" by D. Ah, here it is: Big Lychee
Souvenir hunters, the nostalgic, and the terminally bored are welcome to poke around here – the lights go out permanently at Geocities around the end of October."