Monday, August 29, 2005

Meteorological station on a little island in the South China Sea

Ha! The local weather station's signal mast broke during Typhoon Ellen (1983). But on sunnier, balmier, slower days:
In spite of the long shift hours, colleagues off duty could go swimming at Tung Wan Beach on the island's east coast. Some preferred to go to the cinema or take strolls around the island. There used to be some twenty cooked-food stalls near the ferry pier and many colleagues enjoyed the seafood and other delicious snacks at these stalls. A retired colleague who had worked at Cheung Chau for a long time planted many kinds of fruit trees, such as orange, shaddock, loquat, sapodilla, papaya, banana, etc. in the station garden. His efforts were highly appreciated, and many colleagues could recount how good the fruits tasted.
History of a little island in the South China Sea's aeronautical, meteorological and signal station? More here.

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